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What do we do?


GUCC is an inclusive club that encourages people of all abilities to come down to one of our training sessions in the Stevenson pool (Thursdays 7:00-10:00pm), where it’s warm and safe to learn some new paddling techniques and develop already existing skills.


As a club, we mostly travel around Scotland looking for the best rivers to kayak down. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to explore and see some of the best scenery Scotland has to offer, all whilst having fun with your pals. We’ll start you off easy and then work you up to some harder stuff as you progress. With excellent paddlers accompanying you every step of the way you'll feel more than safe sending some epic rivers.


As well as training during pool sessions we'll always be sure to squeeze in a cheeky wee game of polo or two. Don't be intimidated by the rough and tumble of the more experienced  players, we have a strict policy against binning new members of the club.


After every pool training session we'll head over to Bank Street for some drinks, £1 pizza and good craic. This is a great opportunity to meet new and old members of the club. For those of you keen to continue the party we also have affiliations with GUU and Buff Club so get geared up for Thursday night Hive and wild times in Buff Club.

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